13 Sep Twitter: Make it work for you
The great thing about Twitter is that people are often exploring with a “discovery” mindset – they’re looking at what they consider to be a news source, and are open to learning about new companies, products, and experiences. Here’s how your business can take advantage:
- Create a killer first impression: Pay special attention to the profile you create on Twitter. This page tells viewers – and potential customers – who you are and what you’re about. Make the right first impression and you could gain a new prospect. Be particular about the photos you use and the name you select.
- Provide winning customer service: People often mention specific products they use on Twitter, so it’s a natural place for your company to offer customer service.One study* showed that up to 85% of Twitter users believe it’s important for businesses to be accessible for support on Twitter. Twitter has also developed customer service features so that it’s easier to respond to people quickly, allowing you to build a strong reputation and better customer relationships.
- Know what’s happening now – and where you fit in: Get information on what’s happening in your community, industry, and target customer base. From there you can use search to find relevant conversations and jump in to add value and be discovered.
- Reward Retweets: If you’re not getting the traffic you need, or your blog is a little neglected, set up a contest to encourage retweeting of blog posts or other relevant content.
- Identify the influencers: Influencers on social media are becoming increasingly important, and are part of the new world of marketing. Find the influencers that are relevant to your business and interact with them on Twitter. There are even tools available online to help you find these folks – and some are free.
These are just a few of the ways Twitter can help your business – there are countless others. Be creative! And if you need a little help, we’re here for you. Let Current Wave Marketing develop a Twitter plan for your business.
*Study conducted by Twitter
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